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Sam Hamill, a reclusive former Marine turned Zen Buddhist poet was invited to read his poems at the White House. When Laura Bush caught on that he was going to read poems critical of the war on Iraq, she cancelled the event. In response, Sam has set up a website and asked poets to submit poems against the war and affirming collective humanity. Over 12,000 young and old and everything in between... posted on Mar 12 2003, 1,670 reads


He was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1962 with a charge to continue his service with children and families through television. His show "Mister Roger's Neighbordhood" is the longest running show (30 years) in history of public TV; in its peak, it was watched by 8% of the U.S. households! On February 26, at the age of 74, Mr. Rogers passed away but left behind a culture that will remembe... posted on Mar 11 2003, 1,233 reads


... posted on Mar 10 2003, 555 reads


... posted on Mar 09 2003, 1,319 reads


Dolores and Linda have an idea that's coming to life -- buy a cruise ship that can hold 700 people, house a World Peace Museum honoring heroes of peace, and deliver volunteer support and humanitarian aid to needy countries. Meet the Peace Ambassadors!... posted on Mar 08 2003, 974 reads


American adults average 72 minutes behind the wheel each day, according to the Department of Transportation. In his best selling book, "Bowling Alone", Robert Putnam concludes that each additional ten minutes in daily commuting time cuts involvement in community affairs by 10 percent.... posted on Mar 07 2003, 1,076 reads


USC economic historian Richard Easterlin issued an amazing principle in 1974, later known as the "Easterlin paradox": because people judge themselves in relation to others, any real jump in income makes little difference in how they feel about themselves. Having more isn't enough -- unless someone else has less. Even gains in relative income make little difference: We just compare ourselves to a h... posted on Mar 06 2003, 1,195 reads


A Lioness Adopts Her Prey
A lioness in Kenya is doing the unthinkable -- adopting her prey! That's right, this lioness has just adopted her third calf (oryx) in three months and is said to be "fiercly protective" when any humans come near.... posted on Mar 05 2003, 1,434 reads


Dr. Perry Rosenthal was inducted into the community of Tech Laureates by the Tech Museum of Innovation in 2002. His invention of a super contact lens, developed in Massachusetts, is giving back eye sight to hundreds of patients who were blinded by injury or disease. ... posted on Mar 04 2003, 746 reads


... posted on Mar 03 2003, 474 reads


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Joy is the gift of love. Grief is the price of love. Anger is the force that protects it.
Valerie Kaur

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